Inside the Gojiverse: QA Testing

Posted by B.H.Butler on May 7, 2019 at 10:53 AM

A lot of kids grow up thinking about how cool it would be to test video games for a living. They can think of nothing more enjoyable than playing different games over and over, searching for glitches, pushing engine limits and evaluating what users will experience once the game is released. As it turns out, this career is actually more widespread and essential to the game industry than most people think. Albeit not always as glamorous as the childhood dream would make it out to be, game-testers are indispensable when it comes to producing quality gaming technology. This component of development and its importance in relation to the games we produce is a point of emphasis for Blue Goji. Two of our top-notch testers, that always get the job done, are Brian Villareal (Lead QA Tester) and Josh Miles (QA Tester).

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