You’ve no doubt heard a thousand times over that you need to stay home right now and do your part in the fight against community spread of Covid-19. While that’s definitely the right thing to do, what about working out and sticking to your scheduled physical activity? Does staying home mean giving up on exercise? It doesn’t have to. Here is a quick list of tips on how to stay active while staying at home.
Do Work Around the House
It’s likely that there are more than a few domestic and landscaping tasks that need doing around your home. By setting a schedule to accomplish these jobs over the course of the next few weeks, you can effectively guarantee that you will get at least some outdoor physical activity everyday.
Take Your Pets Outside
The animals that you love are in isolation, too. Making sure that they get enough exercise can be a good system for making sure that you do the same. Going on short walks in your yard or an open area close to home, can be great for both you and your pet. Walking pets is allowed during shelter in place and stay at home orders, but remember to keep at least 6ft away from others on your excursions.
It has made our tip lists in the past and does again with good reason. Stretching is essential for maintaining overall health. This simple practice not only counts as exercise, it also keeps your body from becoming rigid and inflexible. Setting aside time to stretch every few hours is a great way to keep your body and mind active. Create your own flows or watch any of the online yoga resources that are available for free all over the web.

Push ups and Sit ups
The oldest and easiest method for exercising is fighting gravity. While it might be less appealing than using top-shelf exercise equipment, push ups and sit ups can be just as effective for maintaining and improving physical fitness, when done correctly. It is always a good idea to make sure you are using proper form when doing floor exercise to avoid injury.
In addition to everything we’ve listed above, many boutique gyms and fitness companies are offering livestreams to stay active at home. Check your local spot to see if you can take a class from the comfort of your living room. What are you doing to stay active during these unprecedented times? Leave us a comment or question below. Stay safe and healthy out there.