Surviving quarantine and social distancing seems simple enough but the danger of losing your sanity in the process is all too real. Given that most people don’t do well with confinement, it’s a good idea to have plans in place to mitigate the stir-crazy effects of social isolation. Here is our quick-tips list for how to do just that.
Talk to other people. It seems too simple to overlook but the danger of becoming reclusive during these uncertain times is prevalent. Go out of your way to talk to friends and family that are not physically in isolation with you. They are in the same boat as you and likely long for human contact just as strongly. The benefits from reaching out just to check in and say “Hi” flow both ways and you are just as likely to feel better for having done so.
Expand Your Horizons
Find a new hobby. Oftentimes keeping your mind occupied is the best way to avoid stressing about the things you can’t change. This might be the perfect time to discover a new craft or hobby that you have always thought about trying but never given the effort to. Don’t hold back. If you have always wanted to try something new, now is the time.
Shake Things Up
Change up the interior of your home. Putting a fresh new look on your dwelling could be a refreshing change of scenery that can have relaxing effects. Given that you are likely spending more time in your home, stagnation can result from staring at the same walls and furniture formation. Change it up. You can make an old space feel brand new by moving things around a bit. You will burn a few calories as a result to boot.

Nerd Out
Play video games. It was inevitable that we would suggest this but video games are a great way to stimulate your mind and help pass the time. Using your brain to solve puzzles, navigate maps, or even remember button sequences is better than mindless scrolling. We have a mobile game Furiends that is free to download on iOS and Android. This game is designed to get you moving as well, which is important during this quarantine.
View this post on Instagramexcuse me, hooman? do you see that bowl? it’s empty. i would like it to be not empty 🙂
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These are just a few ideas to keep you from going completely stir crazy during this crazy time. As always we hope you are staying safe and healthy. Subscribe to our blog for more information about how to get through these uncertain times.
What are you doing to keep occupied right now? We would love to hear from you so leave us a question or comment below.